Graphic Designers: Then and Now

In this blog, I will go over the very beginning of graphic designers and who they are now. I will go over a little bit of the history of graphic designing but then I will talk about some of the best and most well known designers around the world today. Hope you enjoy!


Portfolio Evaluation... Dun dun dunnnn

So, this weekend is the big portfolio evaluation in Milwaukee and I'm freaking out to say the least. About a month ago, we had an interview convention at this same place and it was very intense but now they're actually looking at our work. These people don't know us personally, they don't care who we are or what kind of people we are, they're looking at our work and that is it. Our teacher told us to be worried because they are going to be brutally honest. I guess this is something that is going to be very helpful because we've only had our peers and our teachers look at our work and they never want to hurt anyone's feelings so it'll be good to get an outsider's opinion but its also going to hit home a little bit when they're tearing apart our work.

Lets just say, I can't WAIT for this weekend to be over!!

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